BIC Wite-Out EZ CORRECT Correction - 10 / BX - 0.16 Width x 39.33 ft Length - 1 Line(s) - Odorless, Tear Resistant, Photo-safe - 10 / Box -
by BIC
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10 / Box
Wite-Out Correction Tape is fast, clean and easy to use. Single line goes on dry. Correct mistakes instantly with no drying time. Correction tape covers photocopies, faxes, ink, permanent marker and more. Translucent body provides visible tape supply. No drips. No odor. No photocopy shadows. Film-based tape resists tearing. Tip guides help prevent looping.
0.16" Width x 39.33 ft Length - 1 Line(s) - White Tape - Odorless, Tear Resistant, Photo-safe - 10 / Box - White- Film-based, correction tape is fast, clean and easy to use and resists tearing
- Single line goes on dry and corrects mistakes instantly with no odor
- Covers photocopies, faxes, ink, permanent marker and more
- Translucent body provides visible tape supply